Members’ Subs

The subscription that we ask from each Beaver, Cub and Scout is currently £35 per term (i.e. 2 school half-terms). Half of this is sent to the District Headquarters to keep scouting running smoothly.

With the sum that remains, the Scout Leaders provide badges that have been earned and all the materials to make each Group night fun and interesting, e.g. food for parties, materials for experiments, etc.

We welcome payments made online via Online Scout Manager (OSM) for both subs and activities/camps. The person named as Primary Contact in the Information Form will receive an email requesting payment of subs when they are due. They will also receive up to 3 reminder emails. Payment by cash and cheque is still possible; please put these in a named envelope and hand them to one of your section’s leaders.

If you are not able to pay, please speak in confidence to a Section Leader, our Group Scout Leader or our Group Treasurer.
